Dear Nitin,
I have learnt that there is no facility of STP / SWP in Coin presently. Just wanted to know whether i can submit request for SWP at AMC for MF held in demat form in COIN ?
Dear Nitin,
I have learnt that there is no facility of STP / SWP in Coin presently. Just wanted to know whether i can submit request for SWP at AMC for MF held in demat form in COIN ?
No, you will not be able to do this directly with AMC as MF is held in demat. We are trying to have this built out soon.
Looking forward to this feature - STP/SWP.
smallcase introduced SIP. It would be a great combination if coin allows SWP. For example, one can park funds in debt funds through coin and systematically withdraw and invest in smallcase without the need for manually withdrawing every time.
I would love to see STP/SWP on coin. Currently I am also facing this dilemma of switching and due to demat form of MF, I can’t
any timeline/roadmap when we can expect this on coin platform.
Thanks for Great Work, Keep Rocking!
STP/SWP is essentially like an algorithm that we would have to build. Instead of you redeeming and reinvesting, this algo does it on your behalf. Has taken us sometime, but we will have it in the next few weeks.
Looking forward to this Algo !
Waiting for this feature…
I have learnt about SWP and STP off late, looking forward to this. Any updates in this regards?
A detailed guide of what and how to use SWP and STP for naive people like me would help in the meanwhile!
Looking forward to it.
Any updates on this @nithin ? I have multiple mutual funds running on coin, and SWP/STP is an essential feature to get value out of it
@nithin, any updates with reg to upgrading coin platform with additional features like stp/swp? We understand work in progress but if you could share tentative timelines, that would really help. I was investing through fundsindia for past 5 years and I m planning to switch over all SIP’s through coin platform. STP is really important im mutual funds for us to switch over
A lot of updates are in the pipeline, sir. Nithin will certainly make an announcement when Coin is ready for stp/swp. But you should certainly transfer your funds to Coin, it’s the place to be.
Waiting for STP feature to transfer my debt funds investment to equity funds
Can you please share an update on the timeline
Looking forward for SWP/STP feature on COIN platform soon.
Still waiting
Last we heard was:
That was on August 15. Any updates since then?
Dear Sir,
Switch and Systematic withdrawal is available in coin