Things we are reading today - April 24th, 2023

Increasing Number of U.S. Marriages Have Similar Earnings for Partners

According to this Pew Research Centre analysis, the percentage of marriages in the United States where both spouses earn roughly the same has been increasing in recent years. According to the analysis, roughly one-third of married couples with a spouse aged 25 to 54 had comparable wages in 2020, based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The paper also looks at the consequences of this trend, such as changes in gender roles and income inequalities within marriages.

For an Alternative Hedonism

The essay looks at an alternative style of hedonism that emphasizes the significance of building meaningful experiences and connections rather than maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. The author claims that this approach to hedonism can give a more sustainable and fulfilling way of life while also contributing to a more just and equitable society. Drawing on philosophical and cultural views, the article provides insights and comments on the possible benefits and obstacles of seeking an alternative hedonism.

The Winner’s Edge: How to Succeed in Life and Business

The Winner’s Edge is a blog post that focuses on the behaviour patterns and mindset of successful people in numerous fields such as business, sports, and personal relationships. The post highlights the importance of discipline, perseverance, and a growth mindset in achieving success. It also emphasizes the significance of learning from failure and surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people. Overall, the post provides practical advice and insights for anyone seeking to develop the winner’s edge in their own life.

Starship of Thoughts

Explores the complexities of the human mind and how it can generate a vast universe of ideas in this engaging article. Ohana invites readers to go on a voyage of self-discovery and reflection by drawing comparisons between mental processes and the idea of space flight. The article challenges readers to explore the infinite potential of their own minds and the possibilities that exist within, through a series of profound insights and reflections.

Power of Patience

According to a Morningstar analysis, investors who simply held onto their investments and made no adjustments to their portfolio during the past 30 years outperformed the S&P 500. According to the study, actively managing one’s investments or attempting to time the market can be harmful to long-term profits. The main lesson is that the best investment techniques frequently involve patience and discipline.

Lessons from Silicon Valley Bank: Insights from Oaktree Capital

Oaktree Capital co-founder and co-chairman Howard Marks discusses his visit to Silicon Valley Bank and the things he took away from its lending and investing approach. Marks emphasizes the value of having a long-term outlook, understanding a company’s core economics, and being willing to take risks. Additionally, he stresses the importance of flexibility, humility, and a readiness to learn from both accomplishments and setbacks. Overall, the ability to think creatively and take calculated risks is just as important for business and investing success as intelligence and hard work.

Economic Development is doing OK

The rise of developing nations, the fall in the rate of poverty around the world, and the advancements made in fields like education and healthcare are some recent good trends in economic development that are discussed in this article. Although much work still needs to be done, overall, economic development is going in the right way.


Whom do we believe…


Me - If you buy something like UK and @Shruthi if you buy something strong like USA :grimacing:

But the catch is - we will know this only after 20 years. :slight_smile: