Tickertape Website Feedback


When I add filters in tickertape screener. I can’t see all the filters at once I have to scroll left and right again and again.

can you make some changes in web design and show all the details at sametime.

@siva-reddy is there anyone here from tickertape team ?

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@Gowri-from-smallcase @smallcase Can you.

I understand to know RA how many given buy call you need paid subs but to download my filtered results it is nuts make this free rest it is an awesome screener

Hey @anon1649903,

Thank you for taking out the time and writing to us!
We have forwarded this feedback to our product team and they will certainly look into it.


Please add an option to export screener results as excel format.

header should be fixed when we scroll.

You can see when I scroll… header is also scrolling with list.