Trading is gambling or not : An interesting discussion

First sensible reply. Appreciate it.

you know some people here can learn a thing or two from you.

Well buddy you didn’t prove that trading is gambling either as well so the burden of proof is on u as well…u are saying everytime that trading is gambling and there is 50:50 odds etc… where is your proof then? …and FYI don’t say law of averages or probability because that’s not how it works…:joy::joy::joy:


U said it bro…lol:smile:



wait, so you are claiming that know for sure that you will win or lose your next trade?

Wow, that is a bold claim.

So you are basically saying you can predict what direction the market will move in a given day. Amazing!!.

Please do post your predictions and their results. Many here would love to see it.

Everyone in trading knows that winning the very next trade probability is 50/50. This is a fact of trading. Ask any good trader and he will tell you the same.

you need proof for facts now?

Nobody needs to prove anything…when it comes to trading everyone is still a student ,I believe…and if you can’t bear with the fact…just stop spamming and just leave and. Btw this forum is for traders and not anti I suppose u don’t have a place here…so best leave and better keep your irrational philosophies to yourself MR @trader_dude


Well said @bless_t_anto .This trader dude guy is a spammer and needs to be banned.Where are the moderators? Get this guy out of this forum.He is getting on peoples nerves and someone had to refute to bad language to make this guy shut up.(I don’t promote bad words but it seems like this guy asked for it).

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@trader_dude Go get a life bro.Why waste time spamming our threads if you hate trading.Quit and get a real job.

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You said it bro this @trader_dude guy really needs to be banned … believe me I am not the first one to shout at him…


you started it by replying. No one is forcing you to participate in this discussion.

you can always choose you know.

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Dude I said u were saying that the odds are 50:50 which again u said here as well but still I haven’t had any proof from u that the odds are 50:50…why is it that everyone has to give proof to u and u don’t have to prove anything…where is it proof that odds are 50:50…even if someone was betting on the index to go up for the past 5-6 trading session he would have had a 100% success rate and even if someone was betting on it to go down for past 3-4 session he would also have been profitable if gotten out at the right time as the index has gone into negative for all 3-4 session…so both of them would have had a near perfect success rate…what differentiates a trader and a gambler is patience,money management and some basic knowledge of reversal pattern, support and overall sentiment of the market…if u know and follow these things then u are a trader or else u are a gambler who blew up his account and then continues to spam on a trading platform jealous of other trader who are profitable by following these things…P.S don’t take it personally as it’s the truth…:joy::joy:


And yes we have made the choice to stop tolerating you anymore… @trader_dude


Majority of us think you are a troller @trader_dude.So quit your stupidity and leave.People hate you here.


so, you cannot provide proof then?

So don’t make stupid claims then.

if you tell me that the odds are not 50/50 , then you are claiming that you can accurately predict the direction of market and the outcome of your next trade.

i know you cannot provide the proof.

Many of you can only resort to abuses and digress from the topic. I can understand your frustration to squash that little doubt in your head that i am right. Thats why people are so mad its hilarious.

In any case, its good that you are “trading”. This benefits the other side.

This thread is actually damaging the other side, which i should not be doing. Hence i m going to let you continue in believing that trading is not gambling. :slight_smile:

OK , so people should get banned because they dont agree with your view. WOW Amazing!!

i don’t think people including you know the meaning of the word trolling.

Give me one example of where i have trolled someone or one example of me being a troll?

For God’s sake you better leave.You don’t accept anything and is here only to troll.First learn to trade and come back.

Wowwww…another justification of his stupidity…now stop playing the good child and just leave… @trader_dude

so wait, i don’t accept your views , hence i a m troll? WOW great logic there buddy.

Causing only negativity and arguing for the sake of arguing calling our trades fake and prejudice judgement that we are lying is the troll.So go back to your mama kid and play with your toys.

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so arguing facts is negativity ? another great logic .

Let us leave this kid to spam in the air.He is surely a broke trader who is pissed of by others success.Such a loser

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