Trading query

Where is that?

The “Orders” tab.

27th was Sunday.

I had placed a limit order of 200 shares and it is showing 16/200 in filled qty?

This is partial execution, as explained to you above.

If price touched your limit price and moved up instantly then Limit Order won’t execute, the Buy Limit Order will execute at the price you have specified or lower. Can read this to know more.

I had purchased few shares on 25th sep and sold it same day so where can I check sale proceeds?

You can check records for all your previous trades on Console.

I had placed GTT sell order for few shares I have purchased earlier and I want to buy additional shares I am getting some message and I am unable tobuy? What should I do in this case?

What is the error you are getting?

Can I cancel GTT after market closes?

You can Place / Cancel / Modify GTT anytime you want to.

At zerodha intraday is squared off at 3:20 but if buy on CNC basis and set sell GTT the stock can be sold after 3:20 if triggered?

Yes, if GTT is triggered it will be sold after 3:20, there will be no auto square-off charges for this, these charges apply only for MIS.

Are intraday profit credited the same day?

Intraday profit isn’t credited on same day. You will be able to see Intraday profits in Kite balance only once settled, it takes T+2 day for Equity settlement and T+1 day for F&O settlement.

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I had a few shares in my holdings I had placed a GTT sell order today is T1 day for those shares GTT was triggered and it got rejected as authorisation is required for these shares? Can I exit it by doing authorisation? What about the GTT it is showing triggered

Yes, you can exit by doing authorization, you can read this to know the authorization process.

Also, you can pre-authorize the sale of your stock so you don’t have to repeat the process again, the authorization will remain valid for 90 days. The process is explained in the same post mentioned above.

GTT once triggered becomes inactive, also the order which was placed when GTT was triggered is rejected. You can ignore it.

In kite app under set an alert option where can I edit it or delete it in kite app once I have set it?

You will have to visit Sentinel to modify your alerts.

Is it like that? As we know that after purchasing the 2nd lot (i.e. 5000 @ Rs 10.05) the total no of share will be 10000 and purchased price will be averaged to Rs 10.025. So where the distinction between the first and second remains afterwards, could not understand. Am I missing something here?

When you purchase more shares, holding average does change according to value of your investment and shares you are holding, but the price at which you bought the shares at doesn’t change.


Day 1 you bought 10 shares at 100 (your average will be 100).

Day 2 you bought 10 more shares at 200 (average will be 150).

After buying 10 shares at 200, your average price increases to 150, but the price at which you bought shares remains the same ie. 100 on day 1 and 200 on day 2.

Suppose on day 3 you sold 10 shares at 250, this 10 shares will be sold from the 10 you bought on day 1 and average price of your holding will become 200 (10 shares bought at 200 on day 2).

FIFO (First In First Out) is simple accounting procedure followed to do the calculation.