Tradingqna community virtual meet up

Yes. Let’s do it on June 9th. :smiley:

Can you make a post community post about the the event, link and timings :slight_smile: Would love you to “Exploit” your weight as a moderator :eyes:

Bhai log, is everyone okay with 8th or 9th of June for the virtual meet?

Please share your views and finalize the date for all of us


I’m up for it

Everybody doing thumbs up thumbs up. No one saying 8th or 9th.

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Our virtual meet timing has become a topic of discussion like PM’s swearing ceremony timing. :sweat_smile:

Guys, please vote for 8th or 9th along with the time

  • 8th June, 5 PM
  • 8th June 6 PM
  • 9th June 4 PM
  • 9th June 5 PM
  • Any other time (Please specify if any)
0 voters

Any of these 4 time-slots works fine for me.

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Both the dates works with me but can we keep the time 6 or 6.30 ish

Please confirm time and share meeting ID @Meher_Smaran

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Let’s finalize 5 pm today ?

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doable i guess

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To join the video meeting, click this link:

@viswaram @Chetan_Nahata @cvs @GoutamHebbar @ajaybgowda @Aesthetic_Rahul @ManoranjanS @Kapil_Kelkar and others … Please join at 5 PM today


@apple please join. You are interesting :ok_hand:


@VijayNair please join if you are free today at 5 pm

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+1 request to @apple

there were a bunch of other active guys in the forum like @themanishshaw @TitanTrader @tallerballer @metallicsigma and others whoever reads this reply guys if you’re free and would like to have a chat on something other than things like “Where do you market will go in 2 days” or similar stuff do join.


@hencjjsjahhaj sir. Please. :pray:


I’m always ON for a healthy discussion. Just add me bro.

Thanks for inviting me. Will join. :slightly_smiling_face:

We also have one retired person who is active these days. It would be nice to have him in the meet. I forgot his username. Please tag him. :love_you_gesture: