Tradingview Charts are now live on Kite web

Can you check again and let me know.

sir, i can get it on first candle only, after that open high low data’s can not be taken from market depth

Since updating to Kite’s new version on Android, Chart layout on TV are saved differently then previously. Each layout save doesn’t create new one but overrides previous save though drawing on previously saved scrip remaining.

A new version of “TradingView” added to Zerodha kite? How do I know the version no. of TradingView (TV)?

@siva-reddy TV has a new bug. When duplicating a trend line, the duplicated line tends to disappear when switching to a diff. chart & then coming back to the original one.

Has a refresh button been added to TV? I can’t find it if it’s there. Could u help me

save after making trendline, hope it may help else post again tagging moderator

Done that but the issue still remains. What about the refresh button, has it been added? if yes, where

bro, then @siva-reddy can help it

in mobile chart it is clearly saperated

But all it does is reset the chart. Doesn’t refresh the ongoing candle

i reported the same matter to siva,

will check today also, and revert back to him, he may create some solution

sir, it still not adjusting OHLC data, just resetting the chart, convert it to a refresh button

I don’t think it’s new version of TV, just improvements on Zerodha’s side.

@vijender88 thanks buddy, even I was searching for this.

@Smak_DxbUae, it’s still a resest button, zerodha needs to convert it to refresh button

Zerodha needs to add a separate refresh button just as they have one on chartiq. The current reset button works as intended on TV. We need a refresh button @siva-reddy. The price data creates wrong signals so many times that it’s really needed

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We have added one on app which is on beta, will release it out to all clients very soon.


Can we have “Range Bars” on trading view jut like they are available in ChartIQ? Plz.