Watchlist Pro - TradingView like watchlists on Kite

Hi folks,
I don’t want to spam or do self-promotion but I did not find a better place than TradingQ&A to share something I built for the Zerodha Kite community.

I created a Chrome extension, Watchlist Pro for Zerodha Kite, that brings a TradingView-like watchlist to Kite. You can create as many watchlists as you want and add up to 1000 stocks per list. Do a click on a stock and it opens the chart on the side. It comes with other features like bulk importing stocks to a list and moving stocks between lists.

My primary motivation was to have the necessary paid TradingView features available so I don’t have to jump between Kite & TV and save some money :sweat_smile:.

Please visit the website to find out more about it.



Hi @ValueInvestor0,
Thanks for trying out the extension and giving feedback.

Building it for Firefox is in the plan, but I need to look at the extension APIs similar to Chrome and what response I receive for the Chrome extension. I’ll add the Nifty Next 50 stocks list today.
The code needs some refactoring before making it open-source. :sweat_smile:

Hye Murali,

Good Going, i love your Watch-list ext. for chrome, if you keep upgrade one ext. is enough to use all swing trader. not required other platform

thanks for given your time and effort and love one feature

just one upgrade requirement from my end, add multiple color flag watch-list like TV. its premium service, is enough.

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Hi @Bhupen_A,
Appreciate your suggestion. I thought of adding the colour flag feature but essentially it would just be a watchlist with a specific colour. You can just create a watchlist called Red/Green/Orange and move stocks to it based on your criteria.
Hope it helps.

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Yes its right, as a swing trader, i have some parameter to go direct ion what i want to see in color code. to give priority

Human mind attract to colors not txt as per my study

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@Murli_Prajapati thanks man for such an amazing web extension you have made , i would like to tag @nithin if he could find a way to make it default or sync with zerodha.
Once again thanks murli for your hardwork

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@Jhonydsuza Thanks for the appreciation :raised_hands:. The sync from Kite to the extension should be possible with Kite APIs but that would also allow access to other things in the Kite account which I want to avoid as we are dealing with sensitive information.
But the current features should help people in their regular trading. Will keep updating based on the suggestions.

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Just came here to request this feature and found your post . Thank u so much for doing great work . However i want to know is there any site or excel where these stock codes are available easily or we have to manually type every stock

This is great effort. Very useful. Keep it up.

Scroll down here to find the predefined watch lists. You can import them.

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@Murli_Prajapati yes, current features are more than sufficient


Thanks for sharing. Have you tested this on Arc Browser (chromium)?

Like the premade watchlist - very helpful!

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are you a noob? who the hell needs 1000 stocks in a watchlist to trade? zerodha’s 100 x 7 is more than enough for any trader. investors don’t even need more than 20-30 stocks; 15 is also more than sufficient—unless you’re a noob investing in 100 stocks. what’s the point of having 1k stocks in a watchlist without any algo to filter them? it’s a different story if you’ve got an algo like chartink to do the filtering.

i hope you’re not using your extension to sneak into users’ personal data, which i’m sure you are since your extension requires zerodha credentials. i’m a coder, and i know no one overlooks free personal data.

bro their too many traders who doing swing trade everyone have deference strategy and required this kind of watch-list…

dont’ say like

and broker not fulfilled our swing trader requirement and this Man @Murli_Prajapati made Appreciated work.

i am one of the trade that i like this kind of function…

@TitanTrader if you don’t want this features stay away from here.


@TitanTrader Allow me to clarify a few things:

  • As I said in the original post, this extension brings TradingView-like watchlist features, including 1k symbols per list similar to TV. This is the maximum limit. Users have the freedom to add as many as they want. Whatsapp allows 1024 members per group but that doesn’t mean we have to add 1024 people. Or do we? In future, if Zerodha increases the limit to 1000, would you be calling them noob?

  • Zerodha’s 100 x 7 is enough. I agree. But do this exercise once:
    Open the chart of every symbol you have in your 7 watchlist. Try to use the keyboard for navigation. Once you open a chart in a new tab, the watchlists are gone! You have to go back to the previous tab and do two clicks to open a new chart.
    How is the UX? I think it can be better. I like TV’s UX. Just use the arrow keys to navigate and look at the chart on the left-hand side. That’s what I wanted to bring to Kite.

  • The extension stores only the user-created watchlists in the browser’s storage. That’s why I added Backup/Restore so that people don’t lose their data.

  • The extension doesn’t need the user’s Kite credentials but Kite needs. The chart URL is not public and needs user login to allow access to that page. Hope you will understand this since you are a coder. The extension will not even open on The URL has to be Try opening this URL without kite credentials and extension:

  • I might be a noob to allow 1k symbols per list but surely not noob enough to steal user data of such a highly regulated industry. Why would I want to put myself into legal trouble just for a Chrome extension? The extension is a pure frontend app with no server, no API calls and no database. Hope you will understand this since you are a coder.

Hope I was able to answer your queries. Let me know if you need more info. :v:


@jpm I haven’t tested on Arc but mostly should work since it is Chromium-based. Pls, do try it out and let me know if it works.

Hello, First of all, thank you for this extension.

I just started looking for it and found your post. Amazing work!!!

I have a little doubt as I am not a coder. would you or your team be able to access any data if you want to access it?

thank you

@Sumit1 Thanks for the appreciation. This extension cannot access user data and I don’t even care or need the user data. Whatever it does, stays in your browser. You uninstall the extension, everything is cleared. There are no servers to store the data.

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Hi folks,
Published an update to the extension. Now you can colour tag your stocks and tagged stocks will be added to their respective watchlists.


Hello @Murli_Prajapati :slightly_smiling_face:,

I really appreciate your work; it’s a great addition to the Zerodha platform.

I have a small suggestion for you. I noticed that when the extension opens, the tabs like Dashboard, Orders, Positions, and Holdings are not visible unless I zoom out.

That’s fine, but when I click on any of these tabs, the TradingView (TV) watchlist collapses (since the watchlist appears in a sidebar) so I have to reopen the extension each time.

It would be great if, when using your extension, only the TV watchlist is displayed, while Zerodha’s main watchlist is hidden. The tabs (Orders, Positions, Holdings, etc.) should remain accessible, and the TV watchlist should not collapse when switching between them.

Please consider this suggestion.

Thank you!