Weekly trading diary: November Week 3, Profit/Loss for 13 Nov - 17 Nov 2017

@navo Didn’t have enough balance to buy cnc future, so it had to be a day sell. :zipper_mouth_face:
With the strong opening, I was expecting nifty to reach 10200, so that was my target for the dec future, around 10265. I just set limit sell and it was triggered.
Expecting decent upmove now, so also holding onto 1 cnc dec fut.

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All the 23 are profits? I don’t think

Sorry, couldn’t reply earlier. I had hedged by buying HDFC.

Alright. Good luck.

Yes these positions are open…Now depending on market direction is hall close the positions soon.
ITM option burns money very fast :money_mouth_face:

Please let us know, ur hedging on HDFC ?. Are you bought/sold HDFC Dec/Nov future ??

Two sold on losses. Exited too quick… Could have waited.

Here’s actual profits. Brokerage charge plus securities exchange is high.

Lookes Like again you have done multiple Trades.

@BasuRaj You can Exit Now in SBIN if you want.

My profit rchd 4.2k on call and i sqarred off pe… Money made day done :smiley:

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Huge gap up opening today in nifty, more than 1.15 %. Sold the remaining fut.

Todays movement doesn’t seem too favorable for trade right now, maybe it’ll move up by a good amount again or loss a little bit of the gains. Lets see in the first few hours.

I can hold it 1 more month. What do you think ? Shall I hold ?

If you wanna Hold you can.

Another good day, first made a loss but was able to recover the loss & earn some profits.Exited early otherwise would have made good profit

Didn’t follow my own advice. Lost some part of the gain.

Bought fut at nifty 10300 level, even forgot to change it to cnc, so about 2k rupees loss at closing time. It was a really stupid trade for me, cannot afford to be so undisciplined during market hours.

I was hoping to hold on to it and the loss should have recovered by tomorrow opening or closing.

10800 in Nifty in Nov series is not ruled out. Also 27000 on Bank Nifty is possibility

Be long in calls or short in Puts (with hedging) in Indices

It’s ok. Who knows! This small loss might avoid any bigger loss from the same mistake in the future.
I believe, on Monday u wud get a better price with gap filling arnd 10240 level on Nifty.

Making money in positional trade and lossing in day trade :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

What happened in HDFC Bank Position?