What is the new stamp duty in Haryana?

I heard that the stamp duty of Haryana has changed, what are the new charges.

Looks like the stamp duty for the state of Haryana has been revised. The stamp duty will be Re.1 for every Rs.10000 with no cap on the upper side. Here is the amendment I found.


I searched for the circular copy on Goverment website & NSE for change in stamp duty but it is not available. Do you have copy of it ?
I am looking to check the date of effect/implementation on new stamp duty. However, new rate are taking away big portion of profit.

Do you know the effective date of new stamp duty as i do not find any circular on BSE/NSE/Haryana Gov website for this.

Huge portion of profits it is taking
Its Insane

It is 1 INR per 10000 INR for buy and sell both

NSE member association is trying hard to get the govt put a cap to this. It will not be the earlier Rs 30 per day, but maybe in the range of Rs 300 to Rs 500.

Haryana has increased Stamp duty drastically. How much high it is compared to older stamp duty and in comparing with other state stamp duty…

Too bad for HFT firms based in Gurgaon

pl. provide applicable stamp duty in other states…

can the corresponding address be changed…:grin::grin::grin:

In hindsight - most HFT firms will be self clearning so dont need to bother about stamping contract notes … so wont be impacted I guess.

i am a retail intraday trader having account with zerodha.

Now i am paying more than 100 times stamp duty.

This and high lot size are just going to discourage all Intraday Equity and F&O traders but that’s not the good part as most of them are going to switch to options which is more risky than Futures.

They may be self clearing but stamp duty still must be paid.

Very discouraging & disappointing. Its virtual stamp duty this haryana govt is looting money from people.

Haryana has very high stamp duty. See the pics taken from zerodha brokerage calculator.

Have a look at stamp duty of Delhi, Telangana & haryana for comparison

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Govt should stop looting money in the form of stamp duty charges. Need a capping limit & it should also be lower for intraday.
Some states have high stamp duty charges.

Regarding Exchange charges, I would say that volumes have increased rather multiplied in india over the last few years.

So its time for exchanges to cut down their charges.
Mr. @nithin why cant zerodha start this initiative in the best interest of retail investors & traders?

If you can start on this, then your campaign will be unanimously supported by everyone in India.

Petitions & requests may not have any impact on the HR govt, Uniform stamp duty may be able to come under GST by efforts of NSE members association & progressive businessmen like Nitin (of zerodha) and others.
it is indeed very discouraging for business and profits.In fact Hr has become the most expensive state to trade stocks like WB.

It makes sense for intra-day traders to quit haryana , even if u trade with 2-3 lots if nifty a single buy sell would cost u min 6000-9000 a month…It still cheap to rent a room (PS leave it later, as all communication is on email…!) .The same i suggested to my relative in Ambala…(here SAS nagar punjab-is cheap) ,here is my solution…

  1. Get in touch 3-4 traders who are trading in haryana, Take a room in near by state or delhi, (Effective rent shall be 1/3rd)
  2. Get a rent agreement and register it at registrars office
  3. If the rent agreement is registered it is accepted as a valid address proof…
  4. Update the address with broker
  5. Leave the room after 2 months, Since all the communication is electronic. You are sorted for one year.
  6. Spread this solution , more and more to Haryana traders so that they quit the state and couple with other traders.
  7. Even companies have to pay stamp duties.Spread the word.
    PS:property brokers in delhi are of great help, they would do all the running around! no worries.

Other Steps:

  1. If u have a permanent residence of another state use that.
  2. Use platforms like Change.org, Feed back to Namo etc for the issue.
    3.Trade in Options
  3. Accept . Philosophically neither 30 rs was in our hand neither is 300!
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@Kalpen_Bhavsar @Gauravsh
The stamp duty has been revised

Not much change. Just introduced 500 rs upper limit per day capping.

Telangana has max 100 rs / day,
Himachal has 50 rs / day.

Seriously? The cap makes all the difference without it traders were paying tens of thousands in Stamp Duty. For big traders that’s like 90%+ savings.