What's the total transaction cost involved in purchasing LIQUIDBEES?

Suppose I have an account worth 400,000 , of which 300,000 I want to hold in LIQUIDBEES.which is around 300 units.

What are all the taxes + etc involved in entering and exiting this order ?

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All charges for Liquidbees are the same as that of delivery trades, except that there is no STT charge as liquidbees is not considered a security, no brokerage as its a delivery trade, and no entry/exit load as this fund is traded on the secondary market.

Charges for liquidbees are transaction charges of 0.00325% on turnover, 18% GST on transaction charge, SEBI charge of Rs.15/crore and stamp duty as per state of correspondence address.

While exiting the liquidbees from Demat, a DP charge of Rs.8+GST is charged.



Thanks for the prompt reply.

Here is a screenshot of the brokerage calculator , if I’m to keep 300 units of LiquidBees in my account.

As you said , STT is not charged here . I would be paying a total of 23.91 rupees to enter and exit this trade.

Am I right?

Plus stamp duty as per state of correspondence address + DP charge while selling units.


Perfect. Thanks a million! :slight_smile:


What if we do intraday in liquidbees? I mean, if I sell some units of existing liquidbees from my account in morning & buy back before market closes?

Will it attract any intraday brokerage charges?

Hmm, I assume if you sell liquidbees and buy it back on the same day, then intraday charges will apply because it was an intraday trade. Need to confirm this one.

Also, I would like to add to the reply that the DPs has waived charged when debiting liquidbees… I have found that this is in fact the case when selling liquid bees.

@Srinivas Any reason why STT is now charged while buying LiquidBees? I got charged 50 for buying 50 units :frowning:

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Glad that u didn’t bought 300 units otherwise STT would have given u a good shock. :smile:

Can anyone from the team reply on this? @nithin @BharatW
There shouldn’t be any STT levied on LIQUIDBEES.
Also would like to get confirmation on other charges applicable on a LIQUIDBEES transaction as mentioned by @Srinivas above.

What is quoted here is right

All charges for Liquidbees are the same as that of delivery trades, except that there is no STT charge as liquidbees is not considered a security, no brokerage as its a delivery trade, and no entry/exit load as this fund is traded on the secondary market.

Charges for liquidbees are transaction charges of 0.00325% on turnover, 18% GST on transaction charge, SEBI charge of Rs.15/crore and stamp duty as per state of correspondence address.

While exiting the liquidbees from Demat, a DP charge of Rs.8+GST is charged.

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Ok. Thanks for the clarification. Maybe @karmar123 should check the charges again and reply if it was indeed STT on liquidbees or something else.

Hi @siva-reddy can you please tell me what is the brokerage and other charges applied if LiquidBees is traded intraday. i.e. suppose I already have 100 units in my Demat account. I sell 10 units in the morning and buyback all 10 before market close. Will brokerage of 40 Rs be applied to the transaction since it was a intraday trade.

Yes, this is considered as intraday trade and brokerage is applied, can check how much is the brokerage here.


Isn’t it wise to buy liquidbees from the primary market to save these charged in the secondary market ?

When you buy from primary market there are 0 charges… Only when you buy from secondary market you have these tiny charges/taxes costs… …

You’re free to buy from wherever you want in multiples of 2500 units. I’m not going to answer you next question if it’s already answered on forum!


Is Rs.8 Demat charges for selling liquidbees for every unit i sell or for Complete trade ?
Thanks in advance.

DP charges are applicable on the order. Doesn’t matter how many quantities you sell. You can learn more here.

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