Zerodha forcing me to become a gambler!

if you are trading with cash without pledging try icicidirect. Their neo plan has same brokerage as zerodha. i created account there because i cant even enter current week trades from friday to thirsday because of ban on strikes.

Big downside is their UI sucks and very hard to add contracts quick to watch list, but good thing is we can link them to sensibull and trade from sensibull.


Ohh I didn’t know we can link other accounts to sensibull . Thanks alot @Joe_Maxpayne

So we have come up with a solution. For customers who have been trading with us for a while, the ones who we feel are experienced, we will not restrict them. We will try to get this up and running as soon as possible.

@MohammedFaisal @Prayag can you guys share here once we have created this rule to not block any strikes due to illiquidity for our experienced customers.


Can this also be implemented for the nrml/mis ranges? As in, able to buy options outside the trading range in nrml (instead of only in mis).

wow - this was fast !

never seen so much speed before !

@siva0 you must be on cloud9 now, implementing a change

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Ah buying options is an issue because of our OI limits on the exchange. For that the alternate way is to use Orbis and trade through CP code. We are working on making this trading through custodians, especially the onboarding easier.

Thanks alot @nithin sir ,

Its a big relief , I am reiterating itll be helpful for me to roll over weekly basis . Thanks alot zerodha technical team for making this happen .

Thanks alot all the other members for your valuable inputs in-terms of both pros and cons .

Special thanks to @neha1101 @Gnome @viswaram @K_Sree1


can exchange increase OI limit if requested by broker?
Traders in zerodha are individuals not a group, capping OI limit is like Limiting how many traders a broker can have, which forces traders to move to brokers they dont like.

I think the idea is to avoid concentration in a few hands. If by chance, the broker goes bust, then all clients trading with that broker are affected.

My guess is, this is exactly the point. You don’t want a system where a single point of failure brings down the whole system. Imagine 95% of all f&o OI is held by one broker and this broker happens to experience downtime, will be a disaster!

hopefully, we see more brokers in india with top notch user interface and high reliability in the near future.

“See all these rules generally are implemented by MBA grads who just do their job . They dont see how users feel it . All my curses are mostly towards them never to hurt anyone personally …”

They don’t hire MBAs. Why do you think i haven’t applied to Z yet? :upside_down_face:

on a serious note, kudos to them for quickly coming out with a workable solution, announcing the decision & rolling out the changes with such speed. Amazing Agility!! I haven’t seen any other company act on feedback like this : ) Chin up guys!

@siva0 you better grant a boon (or two) to Z in order to square off that curse from yesterday ; )

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Yeah, the boon should be Z should make double the profits next year and the entire amount should be placed in Fixed Deposit with a Bank.

In another post, Nithin says he wants to build a Payment Bank but license is not available. Pray that Z gets the license


Yes, Zerodha have this issue. Thia is because they can trade a specefic strike price upto some levels only ( defined as per regulator). Zerodha faces this issue because of their huge client base.
Have escalated the same to them. They suggest me to move into Orbis post which i can take any strikeprice trades. You can ask their call center to make your zerodha account into orbis. The platform, charges and everything will be same, no change. Orbis is some internal set up due to regulatory requirement. This will take 2 weeks.

Or else move to somw other platform.

@siva0 did you get a fill ?

I was monitoring all the illiquid options after you brought up this topic.

Seems like you have a goldmine strategy if you get the fill.

Yes viswaram , sold 16500 PE june1st week …

As you know profits in option selling is like bird eating few grains slow and gradual. I am a very slow guy my expectation is max 2-3 % per month beyond that its very risky .

These days as vix is low I am aiming 1-2% only .

Since your request was accepted so fast, let me also try my luck.

Can we expect instant unpledge and sell for liquidbees any time soon? :thinking:

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Just want to understand and gain knowledge,

How will it help your trading if they allow unpledging instantly , i am seing lot of requests for this recently.

he may be looking for options to fund the loss. just preparedness.

edit: if the instant unpledge option is available we convert 99% of available funds into some debt/equity instrument. And if a drawdown happens we can unpledge a portion of that to cover the loss.

Its not that we are expecting losses, but from a confidence perspective it will give a great mileage.

@Jason_Castelino any other advantage you see ?

Makes a huge difference if pledging and unpledging is not instant.

If pledging is instant I can get the margin for the same day. So opportunity cost of one day.
If unpledging is instant then I don’t have to keep cash to meet mark to market losses. I can park it in liquidbees.
If other brokers are providing this, then I do not understand as to why zerodha cannot. Even though I have started moving my fund to other broker, my first love is still zerodha. Majority of my funds are still here in zerodha.