Zerodha new features request

Zerodha is the best trading app so far, because of it’s minimalist approach. No clutter like other trading apps. Trading app is for just trading… Nothing else.

Charting is always been zerodha’s weakness. If they implement tradingview charts properly/ or atleast provide TV chart as it is… No one can even come close to zerodha. Sadly they are not listening.


It’s good that you are emotionally attached to zerodha. But still I am waiting for some tech features which are highly useful and are not there with other brokers. All this tech gimmick is just for marketing, one of my tech glitch on console is pending since last 60 odd days. NO SOLUTION AT ALL. You say minimalistic approach, funny that those minimal things dont even work properly.

I can show 10 super useful tech features which are missing in zerodha but are present with other brokers, and worst part is zerodha says that xyz thing is tough to implement whereas other brokers already have been providing those things since last few years. And charting is such a bs on zerodha, don’t want to talk about it.

I don’t know why zerodha tech is soo overhyped even in 2024.


I am not a fan of anyone. And I know dhan and angel one provides better options for trading pov. Zerodha is too bad at providing what the industry required. I just said on app vs app basis

Zerodha needs to focus on COIN app and add more features… As of now it is just a better version of mfCentral.

For example: Switching of mutual funds…,etc.etc.

Hello @Neelesh

Can you remove this post or modify it to remove the misinformation?
As of now by reading this post it seems that switching is not possible because mutual funds are stored in demat format. I also trusted zerodha until now and believed it.
But as we discussed earlier in this post that this information is incorrect, and mutual funds stored in demat form can also be switched.

So kindly take the necessary steps quick so that the misinformation doesn’t spread anymore.

Can clients switch between two different schemes of the same AMC on Coin? (

There is no misinformation on this article, you have perceived it in a incorrect manner, this is Zerodha support portal so any detail will be specific to Zerodha products.

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From the article, I was led to believe that the issue was with me holding MFs in demat form. Not that zerodha lacks the feature.

“Clients cannot switch MF investments since Coin doesn’t support it” would be much better at conveying the statement


Alright, will get this reframed.


:astonished: Wow, so zerodha plays the game of subtly deceiving it’s customers by manipulating the meaning of written text based on imaginary context.

More of a reason to not trust ZERODHA anymore. Because any day they can come and say that the meaning of what we said is different in this new context which we will tell you now.

I used to trust zerodha most in the financial markets. :face_exhaling:

Same here… I also believed for months that this was not possible because of technical problem. Only when I accidentally came across a video of MF switching on AngelOne then it came to my mind that whatever zerodha told me could also be wrong.

However, This proves that no one can be trusted no matter how good their CEO appear to be.

This would be correct. To the point answer without the requirement of any imaginary context.

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Hey @metallicsigma
Our Support Portal articles are specific to Zerodha customers, and we try to provide information only relevant to them.

Having said that, I realise that the text in the article could lead to misinterpretation. We have made the necessary changes to convey the meaning clearly.

Thanks for pointing this out, and I hope that the changed article is easy to understand.


@Neelesh Thank you very much for quickly updating the article. Impressed! :saluting_face:

I hope that we also get the SWITCH feature on the Coin app quickly. :slight_smile:

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