Ability to create different portfolios in Kite

Hi Team,

Please introduce a feature to create different portfolios for different purposes. This way you can buy various stocks based on the theme. e.g. I want to have a core portfolio and a satellite portflio. If I can create and track these portfolios, that would really help me. People can also track their goal based investments then in Kite.


Within Kite will be tough. But we intend to have this facility on our reporting platform Q.

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Thanks, that will be an awesome feature to have.

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Nithin, this would be super helpful…
If we could create upto 5 diff portfolios within Kite by strategy that would be excellent -
for example 1) Core - don’t touch 2) Turn-arounds 3) call-options - users can group their existing holdings by names they choose & when they View their Kite Holdings, it could show subtotals etc…
This would make unnecessary any excel based repetitive work & Kite could be the 1-stop place to see it all, Live…
Please consider !
Thank you


Hi, Please consider this feature. It will be very useful.

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Could you share the timelines, due to this I am forced to leave Zerodha.

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I was exactly looking for this feature in Kite 2019 and didn’t find any.

I intend to maintain atleast two portfolios - 1) Long term 2) Regular

But as of now I don’t see any way to achieve this within kite.

Please bring this feature. It will immensely helpful.



Team Zerodha,

I’m looking for the same feature as well? Could you please confirm if this is something that is doable?

When will this feature be available in Kite. I want to bifurcate between short-term and long-term portfolios? Currently I can see Smallcase in the holdings drop-down, but I do not want to use smallcase just for segregating my holdings. Please suggest.

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We are working on this. Will take some time

yes, so many traders are looking for this feature. It will help to manage investment more accurately.waiting for this feature.

Will come on console soon with many other options

Hey Guys, You can check inuvest.tech. It’s a algo trading platform, but the way it is designed is to monitor performance at portfolio levels. So you can have the same stock in different portfolio’s, even though your broker account would say consolidated holding, but in it’s dashboard, it would be segregated to your portfolio’s. I am not sure how many of you trade using technicals, but I think a manual order placing function can be added at ease.

Is this made live on console? If yes, how can one access it?

Not yet, we’ll keep you posted.

Team Zerodha,

Is this facility available for seperating the stocks into multiple portfolios…
Please do not confuse this with small-case. We shall deal with small-case concept separately.


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Ths feature should have been there from Day 1 :frowning:

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This is a must have feature ! Just like Kotak has multiple virtual accounts for transaction tracking/ separation.
As of now i need to keep multiple accounts with different brokers just to keep portfolios separate


At least give a reliable ETA so that we know what to expect for planning

We will be announcing tagging feature on console this week, one can tag portfolio according to their goal,strategy or anything they wish. Our plan is to bring tagging on to kite

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