Grouping of stocks

Can we group our stocks in our holding in zerodha?
For example I can group the stocks i have bought for ahort term , mid term or long term and watch the progress directly instead of looking them individually in all stocks section.

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We’re working on it. Will take some time.

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Hey @Chander_Shekhar, we’re working on a tagging mechanism on Console that can be used for this. We’ll have a few pre-defined tags and an option for you to create your own tags such as long term, short term, speculative, news based, etc that can be used to tag each of your trades. Based on these tags, you’ll further be able to filter out your holdings and track them separately on Kite and Console.

This is one of the features our teach team is working on for Console v2. You’ll be notified once we are ready with this.

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Until Zerodha releases this feature officially, you can instead use an userscript created by @Amit_Rana1 which allows one to tag stocks in the Holding tab (and even see consolidated P/L for stocks with a specific tag)

Personally, I use it with another userscript created by @VarunAgw (requires a little tweak to make the two userscripts work together)

Both these userscripts together enhance the Kite web’s functionality/user experience greatly.

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@nithin @siva-reddy Its been over 8 months since you said you would allow grouping in Kite. I hope this is extended to positions as well as holdings. This is one feature that would be invaluable for options traders as then we can group strikes based on the strategy taken. If a guy like Amit Rana, being a single coder, can make a plugin that provides this functionality abeit a little crudely , your team of coders could surely come up with this much faster

On our list to do, there are many regulatory changes happening and due to covid few things are pushed back.

Any ETA on it though?


@Prayag @Amit_Rana1 How to use it, it will be helpfull if some one can describe . I had downloaded the TemperMonkey Extension but not able to use this script for stock labeling

Once you install the tool, you will see a + button next to the stock. Use it to add group.
Screenshot 2021-05-28 at 19.17.56
Group dropdown will show on top

read more here: betterOptionsTrading/ at master · amit0rana/betterOptionsTrading · GitHub

Oh by the way, you have to install betterKite script after you install tamper monkey


When can we get this feature. It is a must to have feature.
I’d suggest along with tagging please provision OnClick of the tag to list out all the scrips of that group/tag in the portfolio. It would be great if this could have been planned as Grouped tabs/sections.

Any updates on grouping feature, need to group stocks by LT, ST, growth etc.
Desperately needed.

Is this feature on your roadmap? latest update please

Soon I am going to release a chrome extension for categorizing the holdings. Stay tuned.

Hi @Shiva_Guru,

We plan to allow grouping of stocks on Kite holdings both on the basis of user tags as well as system generated tags for short term, long term, etc


Hi Amit,

Recently updated TamperMonkey to v 5.30 and it seems to have broken BetterKite. Do we need to make any changes in the settings?

Tampermonkey update causes issue only on safari, all other browsers there shouldn’t be an issue.

When you say betterKite is broken, what is not working?

In one of the updates I changed some code for settings so your old settings might have been reset.

in kite, can you create a tag option (creating a couple of fields ) with which the grouping can be done… you can store the tag as a field. you can sort the tag
say pharma is a tag i create to group all my pharma stocks.
now if i need a sub tag, it can be another field. so pharma - BCAP
this may be easy … they can change on their own… and take a report too…