Kite charts update - Trading from charts, and more

May I know when will new charting be available for kite app?

Will take couple more weeks.

well, I prefer trading view over chartiq but trading view chart setting in zerodha is quite uncomfortable for example chart theme. Other brokers like Fyers is providing full features of trading view like on Tv website. So why zerodha is not providing I mean you are the best broker then why why???

TV offers both trading terminal and charting, both are different, others have just taken full terminal but we have trading frontend- kite so we just need charting, we can give only that is given by TV in charting hence the differences.

Is there any possibility of features update on tv chart like most importantly dark theme ??

You can go to settings as below and change background and save it as layout and need to load layout every time.

I know it but on every pop up it turns to default white theme. So, it’s disturbing and inconvenient to use saved layout every time for every scrip.

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Can we get option of adding resistance line exactly where we want it ?
For ex - when I enter 387.77 , resistance line at that particular price will be drawn automatically.

can i get weekly candle data from friday to thursday instead of monday to friday for expiry analysis @siva

The browser is fine during market off-hours. Memory usage is low and very stable. Checking charts etc are very responsive. But once trading starts, memory usage keep on increasing steadily. The kite tabs randomly have hicups; short unresponsive moments here n there.

I chekcked & confirmed with plain chrome (no extensions, cleaned all browsing data etc).

The pain for me is … when I leave the kite tabs open in background for some time. After a while, when I go back, the tab is blank and dead slow to come back into action. Many times I had to kill all kite tabs and reopen.

Anybody else having this issue? Specifically, are you able to keep kite app with chart open for an hour or two … and have the same quick resonsiveness?

My laptop is indeed a beginners one; cheap and low config. But my concern is, I did not face these problems with earlier version of kite. Only now, this is affecting me.

New update not v.convenient … on rht click it used to delete the plotted lines n nw it gives 4 options n thn have to goto delete drawing option extra 2 steps n the toolbar on left takes lot of chart space … to delete all lines at once, hav to open the toolbar again n goto delete button … cnt understand why u cant give an option to revert to old charts

Not possible.

Indeed; but most of the time it is because of bloat and bugs.

I am an IT professional myself with more than enough technical expertise. I have checked enough to be sure there is memory leak of some kind.

@nithin, @siva,
Kite web leaks memory. Please fix it.

Please dont say, I need better computer or browser bug or extenstions or something like that. Please dont mention that javascript garbage collection cycles. I am a tech person and I know these and have checked enough.

It is easy to confirm. No need to open chart or even market depth. Just keep the kite app in dashboard with some instruments receiving ticks in market watch. Compare memory after 15 minutes.

Since this happens only when receiving price updates, I though I might get lucky if I dig a little. The memory usage increase, i.e. leak starts in VUE code. Since I do not remember seeing this leak in earlier version, I checked if I can see somethng changed in VUE. Zerodha has vue-router version v3.3.4 released on Jun 18, 2020.

When receiving price upadates, the memory usage steadily increases. It is a leak. You have updated some VUE libs and memory diagnostics show VUE creates most of those new objects. So either your use of VUE has a bug or the new VUE update has some bug.

I believe this information should be enough for your tech team.

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Will check this.

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@kars. Hey Man! Just do one simple thing. Don’t upgrade anything. Just get new Low memory SSD around 2500. Just replace with your hard drive with SSD version. And I bet you won’t face any issue from there on. I’ve been suffered same as you, I upgraded to best processors with high cost. NO USE.

after a year of failures and sickening moments as you suffer i was same. Now my PC never gets stuck.

Let me know your experience after you upgrade to SSD. I bet on ths.

Our team checked this and not noticed anything unusual, avg came around 70 to 80 MB, are you using any plugins etc?

I had disabled all extensions and cleared all browsing history and tested on chrome latest.

Also tested same on edge (chrome based).

Installed firefox today just to check this. Felt the problem here too. But did not have much time to check further.

In chrome, we have chrome task manager, we can see tab wise memory usage. The developer tools has a memory page where we can snapshot, compare and monitor memory allocations.

My looking around says this …

  1. Take clean browser (latest version, no extensions and all history cleared).

  2. Only one tab … kite web dashboard. About 10 instruments receiving ticks in visible marketwatch. all other market watches are empty. Two indices in above the mktwatch ticker.

  3. no chart opened, no mkt depth opened.

With this I checked … on average every minute, atleast additional 0.5 mb is taken by the kite tab.

In dev-tools memory page, we can force a garbage collection also. just force collection once and take a snapshot (or just note heap size)… after few minutes do the same and see the usage difference.

If yiu have taken snapshots, you cancompare them and see the new javascript objects allocated… also can see the size difference.

Over time the memory usage in increases. I have to proactively close kite tabs often … so it does not eat all the memory my lowly laptap has.

This does not happen on off hours … when there are no price updates received.

For reference: when no price updates … my kite dashboard tab uses less than 60MB.

With price updates… it quickly goes to 100 MB or so and then also it does not stop… it goes on increasing. Thats the bad part.

I compare this with the tradingview site. I keep the full chart with about 10 instruments there too. The total mem use is way less comparing to kite. In kite … I am not even looking at the chart…:weary:

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My complaint is, overtime, this increases… and keep on increasing.

How much gmail occupies?