@siva-reddy @ShubhS9 any upcoming updates in kite we can expect - long time no updates , still no option chain in kite
@ShubhS9 @nithin whenever i try to see the fundamental in kite ticker tape is openeing , but its showing to sign up , what is this
Signup is misplaced; it would not show when you click "see detailed info"
from the fundamental widget. signup will be removed from this.
no its showing like that only . see 1 , and 2 pictures
first i try to see the fundamental
Then its showing to sign up , i dont know why , iits only for me are every body i dont know
hare yarr , why you are keeping complicated something , you people thinking its big secret ,
see in kite watchlist i have one stock Example NTPC - for look that option chian there is no option to see that on stock menu , if i want to know the optin chian of particular stock (NTPC) , first i need to input the strike of ntpc in watchlist , then i need to clik in last three dot then only i can see the option chain , - you people are highly educated , you will never give you anything to your clients easily , all thins you will keep complicated , DHAN broker is thinking before implement how its easy for his client
Yes, as said in the previous response. signup button will be removed from this page shortly. This is being misplaced.
This is on our list of things to do. This is little tricky. We will review this again.
There is an option to select open price or close price for market watch change in kite app setting.
can you move this option to filter option in watchlist tab?
@nithin @ShubhS9 when you will remove this signuptab in fundamental page ,
do something useful for s - everything you are making half and half

Hello sir, How to place SL & SL-M order in Kite v3.7.0
Hi @saimoorthi, tap on the toggle button next to “Stoploss” to place SL or SL-M orders.
Yes… Some how I missed it. I thought, it’s was GTT stoploss. Any how, Thankyou.
@siva new option chain is not yet released , you promised this week beta releasing , can you please tell how is much useful then old - any design flash here

you promised this week beta releasing , can you please tell how is much useful then old - any design flash here
This week will do beta.

waiting - sure this week
We’ve been working on offering a native option chain right within Kite for quite some time now, and we’re glad to say this project is near completion. We now need your help in ironing out the final version. The beta option chain is currently live on https://kite-beta.zerodha.com. You can access it the same way you access option chain on Kite today, with the button on the context menu or the option chain tab on the charts. [image] By hovering over a strike, traders can quickly access Buy, Sell…