Must have tool if you use Zerodha for options trading

Smart limit simply places a LIMIT order, it doesn’t guarantee order execution.

If you are selling, Assume best bid is 100 and best offer is 102, if you place market order it will be placed at 100 and if quantify is large then will continue to sell at whatever bids are available. With smart limit it will create a LIMIT order @101.95 that’s all.


I completely agree that zerodha team is great and what they have done is respect worthy. What we see is a very small part of whats happening behind the scenes.

They are clearly driven / lead by tech, in my personal opinion they need to give more power to the UX team. Just a good looking clean interface doesn’t mean it’s user friendly. It’s just the first step. Console is a very good example, simple filters not present shows that the requirements never came from a UX guy but techies.

This is a positive suggestion not a negative criticism :grinning:

Just for fun as most of us are techies, On a side note,

  1. Speed of dev is not directly proportional to number of bugs
  2. Number of people complaining is never a criteria for not releasing features or taking more time.
  3. Reputation or experience of developer shouldn’t have relation with bugs in code.

I think it’s about focus and culture. As an outsider, I can only guess that their focus is on other features. They probably can have a dedicated team but their culture / belief is to keep team small and cross functional. I may be completely wrong here but looking at some of their open source stuff, their hands seems to be full but still they don’t use off the shelf products but build from scratch. All said and done, no denying they have some great devs.

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Alex bhai please if possible explain in simple words

Amit bhai can this also be used on mobile phone rather than laptop. Basically can the extensions be used on chrome installed on mobile phone rather than laptop. I tried but failed to see the extension installed.

It will only work on desktop.

I tried on “Gear” browser (paid) on iOS and it works on that.

Amit bhai please give smart order(highest bid minus 5 paisa) for stoploss (sl or sl-m)order. Basically trigger price based order which activates once price reaches that level(and fills the best bid ofcourse :slightly_smiling_face:)

hmmm… “great devs” is stretching a little bit. I would call them “good” because of many annoyances/issues/problems still present in the kite app and kite mobile. May be they have their hands full dealing with real life issues and problems. But given the boast about kite app … we should call a spade a spade.

Of many things, the last one which annoyed me is … the orders page displaying the times as “few mins ago”, “10 mins ago” etc. ** What?? ** Absolute times would be useful to cross check with the chart or just to update our journals. They had to make an extra effort to complicate things. Very bad.

If anybody is curious … few more things here.

  1. mm/dd display chart-iq chart in kite mobile and dd/mm in kite web (kite web was updated after somebody commented harshly, IIRC).

  2. Font size and colors in kite web. It may be the web 2.0 or later styling. But how could one look for prolonged time? Very bad.

  3. The pane below the chart. Useless and causes trouble if you use mouse a lot and make changes to chart often.

  4. Wasting screen real estate. Again this may be the new styling everywhere else. But it is not suited for a trading app.

  5. %change and absolute change in kite web market watch. If a small phone screen can show both, desktop/laptop screens cant? very bad.

  6. Scrip symbol naming. Was too bad earlier. Now it is fine for marketwatch search. But very bad in the shortlisted items when searching within the chart.

  7. Options chain. The sensibull one is very bad. Kite should have its own.

  8. Browser titlebar text changes every tick with LTP but it is practically useless since it is behind the symbol name and usually windows and browsers shortens the text in the tab bar and task bar.

  9. Kite web automatically saves chart-iq changes as default settings. It is confusing when you make a small change (eg. 15m to 1hour) and come back little later. Because of this auto save, every time one has to check if the chart settings are as they want … or one should apply a saved view. very bad.

  10. Kite mobile … open order window in chart and closing it takes to marketwatch and not back to chart. Similar problems in few other transitions.

… surely we can find some more things we look little harder.

Many of these things could have been found easily and can be fixed easily if the devs and mgmt has little inclination towards it. We can use words like “company culture”, “priorities” etc. but in the end … kite still needs lot of fixing and tuning and the pace it happens is toooooo slow.

BTW, there was a memory leak with kite web and I had to do full day QA work and then fight with @siva-reddy to agree (or take it to devs). It was fixed silently after a week or so.

“Option chain” or trade-from-chart like big features taking long time or altogether dropped is … understandable. But mm/dd format still in kite mobile … even after about 18 months … is really bad.

NOTE: With all these complaints, I still use kite and feel it is better than all other alternatives. I just wish it is improved some more and little quickly.

FYI: @nithin, @Arockiya_Raja, @siva-reddy,


Will check this

This is due to a version mismatch, we will make it consistent to dd/mm format. Chartiq upgrade is in line.

This is on our to-do list, will be added on the web soon.

This is the actual instrument format that we get from the exchange. We will keep it consistent across the platform. This will be changed soon.

We are already working on improving this experience.

There are clients who are requesting this provision. This is the feature from chartiq, we will check if this can be optional.

I will check for the possibilities.

Need more information to understand it better. Can you message your id?

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Raja sir while u are at it please give feature of auto naming of the price alert. Do we really need to manually enter a name everytime we are setting a" trigger above or below "so n so price, why can’t the system simply name it. Wastes a lot of time each time we need to place a price alert


Yes, I too agree to this.

Also, I saw a nice thing in one of the other brokers mobile app alerts feature. Single alert can be set on LTP specifying a band. The alert is triggered if LTP crosses below or above the given range.

@Arockiya_Raja, please consider this.

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Thanks for updates…

“few mins ago”, “10 mins ago” etc… this “useful” text goes away after some time and absolute times are shown. So you will have to check very recent orders…

yes… please make autosave chart settings optional … both in mobile and web app.

The font, color and screen real estate issues … are somewhat subjective. Think of a darker text mode and compact/condensed items in Day/Light theme. Thats what I would prefer. It is like compact display in gmail. More info in a single screen in easy to read text should be the aim. Right now the kite app is nice to look at from a distance but actually reading and using the info is straining the eyes.

Also if you can make an selectable option in kite web to whether zoom area under mouse or leftmost candles, it will be better to use historical charts. There is an option already in CIQ; just to be exposed in settings. In TVC, we can ctrl + mouse scroll to zoom candles under mouse pointer.

I am on mobile now. I can share screenshots of the title string for tab bar and task bar later.

BTW … many of these items are very small things. I had listed those to just criticize you people. I
am not very picky on these items… but they will be nice to have.

The real changes I would like to see in kite are somewhat bigger things … like even better charting, may be a native one, and kbd shortcuts and much better navigation and overall support to carry out actions quickly and reliably.

Have you checked both kite web and kite mobile on a bigger screen tablets, like 10", without keyboard and mouse? I really want to use such a tablet and the app should make me very efficient to do tasks. Is it the case right now? what is your honest answer?

I agree with this.
I sell strangles in BN and I set alerts on my sold options. I actually don’t care about the name of the alert or call or put. Just alert me that one of the options has crossed that price and I will open kite and see which one and take any action if necessary. I don’t want to give any name to the alert. Hardly matters. I always type something like djdhshsh


I suggest that when setting alert on options, the alert name by default should be the name of the options. So if I’m setting alert on 39500 ce, the name box should be automatically filled as 39500ce or something like that. Or just fill it as “call”. Doesn’t matter. Just auto fill it and keep it editable so that those who want can change it.

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Here is a screenshot clip about the price in title/tab/task bar. The price text is hidden because text not enough space. If we are on another tab or the window is minimized, we have to go to kite tab/window to see the status. But if the price is displayed first and symbol name next, we can just see the real time price instantly. Look at my change to title text below.

------- You can also see my injected script which updates the title text on each change. The script also makes few other changes like, (1) remove price labels for indicators, (2) mouse scroll zooms at mouse position instead of rightmost candles (3) disables chart settings autosave and (4) removes “volume not available” text when seeing index charts with no volume data. ---------



Emrys bhai 2 solutions for u.
First name it simply a. All alerts just name them a.
Second use sensibull whatsapp alerts, very simple to use, 100 percent accurate and free.
P.S in kite sometimes I have seen alert fails to trigger even on price taken but never been the case in sensibull alerts.

Yes Kite sometimes fails to deliver alert push notifications on mobile. Me and my fellow traders have noticed this several times. When one of us posted a support ticket we were asked to reinstall the app. But that didn’t solve the problem.


T7 bhai all problems will be solved one day that the zerodha trigger fails to trigger and u open after an hour to see ur order was taken and now maket has moved 2000 points against it. .no account no problemo. .


We have tried something similar to this but due to some reason, it was reverted. will check for the possibilities.

Yes, aware of this.

This feature has to be made available from the charting library. Let me check whether this is available in the charting library upgrade which is in line.

Let me check this.

Our designers spend a lot of time in UX research and then finalize the design after numerous discussions. That said, we understand always there is a room for improvement.

Many such things are getting addressed every week to improve UX. These are may not be visible to end-user unless they spot them. Thanks for taking your time to write, many points are valid and on our list, a few things are yet to check for feasibility.

The next upgrade comes with many such shortcuts. As the charting library is not our in-house product, some executions may not be faster like our own product.

A full-fledged kite app has not been developed for tablets. Kite web should be working fine, however, noticed some features non-functional on the charting library level. Hopefully, this should be addressed on upgrades.


Thanku Raja sir for the prompt reply.

Also @Arockiya_Raja, again requesting to possibly give the user the option to choose permanently whether they want a limit or market order. Right now, by default, it gets set to limit at the start of day.

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