Trading is gambling or not : An interesting discussion

the rule

Had written something earlier :slight_smile:

In trading unlike other careers the results are instant - good or bad, unlike in other walks of life where it is delayed. I can gamble with anything in my life, from my education to work to my relationships, but the results of it are delayed. In trading since the results are instant, people call it gambling.

What you need to understand though is that like everything you do in life, you need special skills to be on the top, the only difference is that in trading only the people who are on the top can survive while the others perish. These special skills, some of it what you are born with, and most of it is what you learn over time based on your hardwork and experience.


Perfectly said. Couldn’t have said any better.

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Well Explained, It is a good explanation of this topic.

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Unfortunately, one branch of Maths that Market requires is probability Theory that is where it overslaps with Gamble. :grinning:

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Can't get the logic of BO AND CO ye dekho Phir bolo

Thank you

no one is born trader…like no one is born cricketer or film star or scientist…everyone becomes what they want with their passion, translate that passion with knowledge & execute that knowledge practically .
(Desire / Knowledge / execution) = Success


Why don’t we just follow just one thing… i.e. Trend is your friend…
Do what the trend shows… if there is sudden selling… book losses and move on to the next one…

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As per me - if you want to play long-term, be profitable and above all be in the trading zone frame of mind then yes you have to consider trading as gambling. You can try to get an edge using different strategies, but when you enter a trade however big may be your edge, there is also a probability to fail. So, if you are entering a trade with a mindset that you will make a profit or you will be right, then, in the long run, you will get hurt. I guess to be really successful in trading one has to forget the outcome and focus on the process. As Krishna has quoted “Karm kiyeja, phal ki icchha mat kar”. This should be the trading mantra for successful trading. These are just my thoughts, it would be enlightening to hear from successful traders if they ever used this mantra?


All of you are fooling yourself by giving these excuses for day trading.

80% of time nifty stocks on any given day move by 0.5% up or down.

52% of time nifty move up and 48% time moves down. you have to be a super trader to predict which direction nifty will move on a given day.

And even after being a super trader , you do catch that part of 0.5% move. The cost of trading every day will eat into your profits and don’t forget the loses.

you can calculate all these statistics by pulling data from inception to till date and do these calculations.But i really doubt anyone here even does statistics before day trading.

your strategy or psychology or money management isn’t going to change these facts.

More importantly your psychology or money mgmt has nothing to do with these statistics. you can try whatever you want, This is the reality of markets.

Given these kind of odds , isn’t day trading gambling?

Someone prove me wrong on this and i will give you a free 10K Rs in your trading account.

Also it doesnt matter what nithin says, its in his best interest that day traders keep on trading. So can’t really take his word on this matter as there is direct conflict of interest.

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Stock market is not a gamble. Market participants are gamblers.

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In fact traders must be asking “why trading should be approached as a Gamble” instead of worrying about whether trading is gamble or not. Anything that involves wagering on a uncertain future outcome is gamble. Be it politics, business, Career, Marriage, stock, poker …anything. Wagering is not just about betting money, it involves other valuable resources also such as time, our life, effort etc.

The problem i see here is that Indian culture sees the gambling as a sin while in other cultures its not as sinful. So the new traders (Including me ) want to “trade” and “Invest” but all they actually doing is gamble.

Once the traders are clear about it and reconciled about making a living out of gamble. They can go ahead to learn other essential stuffs such as “resulting” “probability” “Edge” beliefs and biases" etc.

I recently read a book written by poker world champion (multiple trophy winner). Excellent book to know about the professional gamblers mind


Good points.

Most indians do view gambling as something bad. Gambling is looked down upon in most societies.

However, i would like to add another point.

Instead of being the gambler , why not be the house. The house always has the odds, unless someone like ed thorpe comes along and screws up the house. But how many ed thropes do we get in a lifetime.

The issue here is that retail trader cannot be the house (in most cases) and they are forced to be the gambler and that is why 95% of gamblers lose, or should i call them traders so as not not offend the community here.

But its good that these newbies live in this fantasy world and gamble on “hope” , because without them the house cannot win.


What would be your POV if someone is trading High Frequency with Algo ? Would you still call it a gamble…?


I would not call it gamble , because they use quant strategies and they run them like real business.

But even before they start the algo , they would do some serious due diligence that it is profitable. They run it through rigorous process.

HFT Algos are one of the reason why volatility in intraday has reduced due to very high liquidity and they are here to stay.

Retail traders can never compete with them.


Fantastic reply.

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I take the following from comment section of

Trading is NOT gambling for sure.

But please make sure you have other plans too, just in case trading never worked for you…
or it may take 4 to 5 years of very hard work to become a mature profitable trader in my opinion.

okay back to your question:

both gambling and trading involves betting. To differentiate gambling from betting…
ask this question: can you control the losses i.e risk ?
If the answer is NO then its gambling… you throw a bet roll your dice and nothing you can do to improve the situation.

If you can control the risk, through reducing the position size on losing and increase the position size on winning…
or cutting your losses small and letting your profits run bigger… then you are controlling the risk.
If you can spot an opportunity where rewards are better than risk… then you are managing the risk.

Understanding and managing risk is precisely what you do in trading, its not gambling.
For instance insurance companies exactly do this… they manage the risk of its policy holders and risk to the company…
and at the end they make profit… so does LIC company doing gambling? NOPE

What does a business man do ? he finds an opportunity where he can make loss but if it works out he will be making lots of money. usually business men… fail in first 2 or 3 business before they find their jackpot business…

This is also a type of risk management and we call entrepreneurship.

In trading you do exactly similar things, find trading opportunities with bigger potential for profit with better risk to reward setups… how is this different than business men who are run the country ?

Risk is every where and inevitable… you have chosen a profession where you get paid for managing risk and finding profitable opportunities.

So you are not gambling or doing something immoral… infact you are doing a service to all idiots who don’t know anything about risk management… so don’t feel bad.

but final caution: risk management is NOT easy, its multidisciplinary study i.e you should know statistics, psychology, have emotional maturity etc etc… so its not for all.

My Take:
Let us say, you are a casino owner. Are you doing business or gamble? If you are a casino customer, you are a gambler. If you are a casino owner, you are not a gambler. Now, to relate this to trading. If you donot own a method with positive expectancy along with psychology and money management skills, then you are a gambler.


if trading is abt 50 50 change then why to learn all this stuff, just toss a coin. It is also 50 50 percent. at least less time consuming and mind will be less burdened.


clear example of gambling.

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