Tradingview Charts are now live on Kite web


@dp1980 @ad09 @Yatish101 @ManishAstral @NikhilPatel @Binu_Hentry @Dhritiman . Please tag @nithin. Really why donā€™t they understand? This issue has been pointed since TV charts released. Please do tag @nithin, Saving chart layout is really serious issue. Just page get refreshed ā€œOLD PREFERNCES ARE GONEā€ Seriously? someone should consider. I see response from their staff saying, THatā€™s the way it is? Comeon! TV official site by logging from Google account, We can save the layout. In fyers, Yes we can absolutely save layout. Why with zerodha kite? Please someone do something about it.


Once layouts are saved they will stay, if not getting saved then it is issue from your end, as I said you can write to me to get it checked. Also mobile and web layouts will be different.

Who said you canā€™t save layout in kite? only thing is once you logged in you have to reload it again, I agree on this as loading every time is inconvenient as layouts wonā€™t be getting applied by default. Also few points you should be aware of, TV wonā€™t provide all their features to their clients( Zerodha in this case), even if we are ready to pay, they keep few for themselves. Also we have taken only charting library from them. We have also raised request with TV on handling this layouts feature. Will post the updates on this thread.

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Thatā€™s all Iā€™m expecting.

What I meant was, Do i have to select layout again & again? I wrote long back. My problem is, I set own colour preferences, Heiekin ashi, & Black colour back ground. Once I set this, I just pressed F5 or I clicked positions and came back to chart. ITā€™S GONE! This is the reason Iā€™m frustated.

Finally you mentioned they donā€™t offer all these extra features. However I request you to post something about it.

This problem have been in Kite since TV was integrated in it. The chart layouts , chart color, candle color etc are not getting loaded whenever i open a fresh TV chart. Even after page refresh TV shows the default theme. This is the main reason why i switched back to ChartIQ in Kite and waiting till TV gets properly implemented in Kite.

Yes TV doesnā€™t provide everything in the charting library. But these essential features are already a part of the providing and saving chart layout and preferences properly is the responsibility of the developer who integrated TV in Kite.

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Well Said @ManishAstral. This should finished!

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@siva-reddy recently encountered two issues with kite.
First is that randomly scrips are getting deleted.
Second one is that when I open multiple tabs with my orders & positions & one for a chart, the site gets logged out after some time & asks to login again. Iā€™ve to login again, load my saved layout (unless the drawings got deleted on the reload if I didnā€™t save it). Please fix these issues

This should not happen unless you logged in multiple systems of into app and change.

Will check this.

Charts are still not updating properly in multiple view, they get stuck randomly and come back only when time frame is changed or the buy / sell order button on top left corner is clicked. I have to keep doing this time and again.

@siva-reddy still the shifting lines issue hasnā€™t been fixed. Also a new problem is that on market open all my drawings move from their original positions. Iā€™ve to rearrange them. Please fix this

Different candlesticks on TVC and CIQā€¦same instrument,same TF, same period. Which one should I consider as correct ? My scanner shows CIQ as correctā€¦!!

@siva-reddy found a new bug. When using multiple charts layout on the popout chart, chart layout isnā€™t being saved. It saves when only a single chart is open

Nothing like that, if you can message me your details, I can arrange a call and get it checked.

Let me check if it has been fixed. I wonā€™t be able to take calls currently.

Also what about the shifting lines issue when zoomed in on a chart. The position is wrong when zoomed & gets corrected when zooming out. Is a fix in the works?

@siva-reddy @nithin. Please! Understand the issue. Any update on saving layouts? Its killing the time. Please @siva-reddy. ONE OPTION OF SAVING LAYOUTS! This is request has been made many times by many. Please talk to someone who can fix this.

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you should tag @nithin about the issue

We have raised request with TV, they said they will look into this, also this will take sometime.If it is from our end we could have addressed this in quick time but this is from the vendor.

Pls add saving to cloud feature to chartIQ and Tradingview charts. Fyers broker has saving to cloud feature where everything is saved to cloud and the trader does not have to worry about losing anything, When trading, support & resistance lines and trend lines have to be saved so trading can be continued the next day without having to redraw everything. Saving to cloud has become standard for all brokers worldwide using web platform these days. History and cache of browser has to be cleared at the end of the day due to security and also browsing will become very slow so temporarily saving drawing objects to cache is useless.

Pls add saving to cloud feature to chartIQ and Tradingview charts. Fyers broker has saving to cloud feature where everything is saved to cloud and the trader does not have to worry about losing anything, When trading, support & resistance lines and trend lines have to be saved so trading can be continued the next day without having to redraw everything. Saving to cloud has become standard for all brokers worldwide using web platform these days. History and cache of browser has to be cleared at the end of the day due to security and also browsing will become very slow so temporarily saving drawing objects to cache is useless.