Tradingview in Kite. Coming Soon

No changes for number of scrips that can be added on to marketwatch.


It would be great to have Auto calculate Qty based on pre-defined risk in terms of (% or amount) & SL in order window. Found this feature in TV platform recently:


Yes, it is good feature, It has nothing to do with TV charts, we need to do this from our end, in our list of things to do, will take time though,

Please try to provide margin indicator on buy/sell window… Like how much shares we can buy or sell with the margin Zerodha provide for our capital. Some brokers provide it. All traders are not going to trade in futures. And also this would be helpful for budding traders which may go ahead to be full-time Zerodha traders… Good luck.

@siva-reddy…TV has screener/scanner so are we going to get that as well…would be great if you do so

Only charts they give out, they won’t give out screener/scanner, also streak will be adding them in couple of months.

please bring TV waiting for long time

This has become like a mirage… Further you go in time further it seems to go away from you!


@siva-reddy any update?

zerdha is not true to promises. never has been in past nor will be in future. its their legacy to undermine customers always.

Last saturday we have updated to PIN login, this is a huge update from our end, we have been working this as priority from last several weeks, as this is successfully completed, most likely we will be coming out with TV this week with beta. Also with this pin login, kite will be available to login 24/7.


@siva-reddy Do some work on Pi also. Need enhancements and eagerly awaiting. Or just close it officially forever so that we can do away with zerodha.


It means it will not ask the username and password but will ask the pin?

Or won’t ask anything at all?

I thought 24/7 thing is screwed by exchange. How you’re bypassing it?

It means you can login at any time, it will ask both password and pin. Earlier during any day end process which runs between 1 am to 4 am, login is not allowed, now you can.

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@siva-reddy & @nithin Forget trading view and all, make sure your existing infrastructure works fine. If one cannot book profit or exit position. It solves no purpose to have an account with you. let alone so called cool TV charts.


Yes, the current application should be made robust before any new enhancements

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Knock Knock

Who’s There


Zerodha Who

Connectivity issue


I think I jinxed it :frowning:

Zerodha system goes down regularly now & they start blaming leased line, NSE etc when all other brokers trading system are running smooth. Why don’t you tell the truth & stop taking new customers as your systems cannot support so many users. Then they also keep this blog down as many would complain…pathetic…


Hello @siva-reddy,
it take more time to introduce tradingview .