i want to transfer my shares from icici direct to zerodha.i have an query regarding -
1.in the interdepository transfer type what i need to select is it
a-off market transfer
b.market transfer
and also what i need to write in the consideration field.
i will be transferring from my account there to this account and this is a interdepository transfer from nsdl to csdl.
@akshayverma1988 Hi Akshay,
In Inter-depository transfer type:
a. Off-market transfer needs to be selected.
In the Consideration field: You could enter the value of securities on the date of transfer or any other consideration amount as may seem to deem fit.
Check this link for the procedure to transfer securities from ICICI direct to Zerodha.
thanks a lot for your answer.how much time it takes to transfer from icici direct to zerodha.
@akshayverma1988 Once you submit the DIS to your DP, they’ll take 48 hrs to make the transfer to Zerodha demat account. This you’ll be able to see in your holdings on Kite & q (back office) once the transfer is completed.
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thank you for your response
After an inter-depository transfer, will kite show my avg. cost N.A or some value?
@Rahul01, It’ll show N/A since we will not be knowing the buying price for those scrips. You’ll have to update them. Follow these steps to add discrepant values.
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@AkshayAtur , Hello can I transfer shares from NSDL to CDSL?
My demat is with NSDL and can I transfer shares to my wife whose account is with CDSL?
Yes, You can transfer the shares from NSDL to CDSL using the off-market transfer process.