Zerodha unlisting questions which are not convenient to them!

Kindly confirm whethr asm1 is allowed …presently graphite, balramchin n suvenphar are asm1 n all 3 nt thr in your allowed stock excel list (consolidated list of stocks alllowed by rms)

cn i short sell thse scrips if mis buying nt allwd …kindly clarify

We have already replied with how to build your scanner the correct way and get fast alerts.

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Not possible with us.

You tried to buy them in cnc?

Pls dnt confuse me … one side you saying tht intraday allwd in asm1 scrips n thn saying nt pos

No i just chkd thse stocks in your excel list (they nt there in allowed list) cos thse completed my setup in past few days … i intend to do only short selling (nt delivry) in asm1 stocks (beside regular ones)

Please let me knw whether i cn short sell asm1 stocks ? @siva-reddy

If you are asking for mis then what ever is there in excel those are only allowed.

Cn i do it at own risk ? Wht will happen if i short sell (mis) asm1 at 11 n thn square of at 3 … cos sellers will be thr at 3 n kite wnt give any error while shorting (i suppose)
Will try w less qty …just wantd to knw whats your take

We don’t allow to any one, one policy for all.

So, there are many other Zerodha users feel that their threads are getting unlisted for not valid reasons. I can and will list some of my threads here that are unlisted !

Some posts even if you think is account specific may be useful as many others may be facing it but have not yet reported. And, if you leave the post ‘listed’, they may also comment or benefit.

Friends, do post your thread links if you think your valid concerns are being crushed under ‘unlisted’ assault ! By the way, we like zerodha, tradingQnA but that does not mean we should be ‘Bhakth/FanBoy’ who can accept few things that we strongly disagree.

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Why this thread is getting unlisted? If it was left listed, others who have understood and faced this issue, would also have pitched in.

Sorry, is the apprach “First unlist by default , then …” apprach ?

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Again this suggestion is unlisted !!!

And this one too:

So no point in raising or pointing out any issues, feedbacks, suggestions on TradingQnA !!
There has to be a new forum which is not controlled by Zerodha !! @nithin

Hey, @Neostar if we turn this forum into a customer support forum, this wouldn’t be Tradingqna, it will be Zerodhaqna. That is not the intent of Tradingqna. Even if something gets unlisted, if there is an issue that needs to be fixed, our team puts it on our list of things to do.

Well, then I can see a lot of posts that are been un listed (which I’ve posted)

  1. First genuine post that got unlisted
    2.Second genuine post that got unlisted

Both of them are related to Zerodha but it’s not support related questions. I can see tons of similar recommendation question under ‘Zerodha’ category.

Have a look at the below picture,

All of the posts were related to Zerodha. My question was genuine yet it got un listed. This shows how unfair the moderation is. I’m not offending anyone, infact Zerodha is one of my favorite broker, but the moderation in this forum is pathetic.

I did not post anything that is against the community guidelines. In fact it’s just a site feedback or a recommendation. Can’t you guys even take a recommendation/idea ? I do not find any mistake in the above posts, if it was wrong then you must remove ‘Zeordha’ and ‘Site feedback’ category in this forum where there are similar questions related to zerodha.

The @moderators need to be moderated. The moderation that’s been done here is pathetic and they are totally unfair towards me. (Again I’m not against anyone but I need justice)

I will not be surprised even if this gets removed.
Thank you and I want a proper reason for un listing my posts.

YES. Here’s another one where I asked for complaint escalation process at Zerodha. Which is non-existent. UNLISTED!!

Yes, I agree @imnishantg

it’s not fair & wonder whats happening to zerodha…it was not like this when they started this forum…@siva-reddy @nithin you surely need to change your moderator…we all love zerodha

We are only unlisting specific to zerodha, maybe bug reporting or some feedback kinds, don’t want to make this zerodha support forum.

That’s exactly what I’m telling.
I agree that your intention is not to make this forum related to Zerodha.
I completely agree with that.
That’s not the problem at all.

The problem is ‘Equality’. Not all similar posts are un listed. This is the problem.
You must remove all such posts and not specific one (like many of my posts got unlisted whereas tons of zerodha related question are still listed!).
I hope you all get the point.
Un list all such Zerodha related question, that’s fair treatment I would say.
Again, I’m not against anyone and i’m not fighting but I’m just sharing my view on the moderations.

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I agree! This is very frustrating to see this unprofessional behaviour from Zerodha - The Threads should not be Unlisted just like that.

For 1 week, the Dashboard is NOT SHOWING CORRECT ACCOUNT VALUE. Therefore, I created the following Thread: [Incorrect Account Value in Console Dashboard] (Incorrect Account Value in Console Dashboard)

But it was simply unlisted by @Meher_Smaran even when the issue is not resolved even so far . That’s not professional. There may be other people who are facing the same Issue with Zerodha Kite/Console App.